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Low High Snab

I am familiar with Low High Snab Farm, its name makes me smile. It sounds like a contradiction, but geographically it makes sense. It sits just below High Snab Farm and a kilometre above Low Snab. Low High Snab is the last house you pass before the open fell and Robinson. It is the first peak or last peak of a Bob Graham circuit. Anticipation: anti-clockwise, celebration: clockwise.

Molly Lefebure (1919 – 2013) author, with her husband John Gerrish, bought the house in 1957. She has written many books but I particularly like her book ‘Cumberland Heritage’.

One day, when passing, I had the opportunity to speak with her briefly about our liking for the work of the artist Percy Kelly as I could see a large painting on the wall through the open door. She wasn’t easy to talk to, the endless stream of walkers passing the front door must have been an irritant, although the house is in an idyllic location.

Low High Snab
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